whisky_qz 发表于 2011-4-14 09:34:13

推荐一个很好的PC-Fi 傻瓜优化软件—— Fidelizer (V2.0 updated)




作者更新到了最新的1.6版,更好的支持Windows XP 和 64位操作系统。
其他的一些细节也有更新,注意现在三档优化从低到高分别是:professional, audiophile 和 extrimist
并且在最高的extrimist 等级下,增加了禁止网络和用户体验服务两个选项,这个等级对系统的运行有一定风险,请视自身具体情况使用。:)


这个PC-Fi 优化软件,号称可以实时地将PC变成发烧工作站(audiophile workstation),听起来很牛,其实原理就是修改系统service,thread、I/O 优先级,还有clock 精度等等那些。
打开软件后会看到有个等级选项,分别是professional、audiophile和state of art三个等级,对应不同的优化程度,等级越高,效果越明显,但对系统运行速度影响也越大。
还有两个功能框选项,可以都去掉,最后点下fidelize 就OK了,它就会自己在系统后台运行。


[ 本帖最后由 whisky_qz 于 2011-8-31 05:29 编辑 ]

Lento 发表于 2011-4-14 09:41:13


davidxtb 发表于 2011-4-14 09:43:54

Windows X's Live recommends:
Before and after making any changes to your system or installing any software, we strongly recommend you
check Windows for registry errors.

Since the development of transformation packs, I barely have time to work on new projects nor I have such interests to start one. It's about 5 years after my last project besides transformation packs so today I'd like to publish a new small project related to my hobby. It's something that can turn your odinary Windows to amazing computer that makes music sound a lot better and it doesn't mess up your Windows after restart. If you love good music and know what WASAPI is good for, you can't miss to try this.


-Optimize audio thread, I/O priorities, clock rate in resource scheduler
-Optimize process thread priorities and system clock resolution
-Configure Fidelizer to run automatically on system startup

Changes in version 1.4

-Improved multi-level service priorities optimization for better system stability and more natural sounding harmonics

If you want to setup your Windows for better sound quality, I suggest you to visit the following sites for more information.


Download: Fidelizer 1.4
idelizer will instantly turn your Windows Vista/7 computer to audiophile workstation for sophisticated audiophile player like J River, XXHighEnd, HQPlayer, foobar, etc. It involves no permanent modifications so system will remain safe and sound after restart so even system with normal Windows installation can experience better sound quality when needed. Backgrounds behind the optimizations is far advanced for someone daring to make free software so grab it while it lasts.
Why stopping services? Aren't my specs are good enough to handle them all?
-Although you might have decent CPU, tons of RAM or even with SSD drive. However, these services are fighting each other to get processor resources and many of them relies on fixed hardware connections which have limited capacity to make solid performance. Stopping services will minimize work-load of svchost controllers, freeing more resources for allocation and improve system responsiveness. If stopping services sounds little too scary, you can skip this process as it's not the most important features after all.

It seems some features like stopping services are missing in this version. Are you trying to reduce features?
-From what I've seen in concepts, I thought it should be 100% safe for any machine to use it. However, stopping most system services can cause unexpected problems in some machines. I got reports about Fidelizer breaking some applications and services, heavily slow down system because of recent updates in 1.2, etc. So I decided to take them off to ensure this program will 100% safe for yourself. However, I added something new that can be very effective in return and no one ever make it this far before too.

What does Fidelizer do in optimizing threads, I/O and random stuff like priorities and resources scheduling? Are they just made up for placebo effects?
-Since Windows Vista, Microsoft introduced Multimedia Class Scheduler for thread and I/O priority optimization for processor resource scheduling. Most dedicated audio/video applications will benefit from this and it also affect overall system/network performance too. Default configuration are quite terribly optimized and not enough people going to take this feature serious enough to findout how I can get better sound through this. Fidelizer will do it for you without affecting real configuration so everything will still work fine after system restart.

I saw system thread priorities and clock resolution in another option. Aren't they the same to ones in resource scheduler?
-Although Microsoft made pretty good resource managementtool like that. However, it couldn't controll the whole system down to specific process and thread. This program will do additional works to ensure best sound reproduction with lowest possible latency in software and hardware I/O which can loosen up the continuity of bit-stream though it's performing bit-perfect. It'll enforce audio thread to highest level possible and reduce non-important processes and threads to lowest possible level for more throughput to audio thread. It also adjusts system clock resolution (NT Timer) down to lowest possible level for most accurate timing reference to improve stability of audio playback at lower latency.

I use DPC Latency Checker but Fidelizer doesn't improve system latency at all. Isn't it scam?
-Graph in system latency shows latency of hardware I/O meaning you're checking hardware latency. Fidelizer will decrease software latency in operating system so DPC Latency Checker isn't capable of checking software latency. You need to test it with other methods. If you want to decrease hardware latency in DPC Latency Checker, try disabling drivers like networking for example.

If DPC Latency Checker is out of the game, how can I measure the difference in scientific way then?
-You'd need high quality hardware and intensive measurement methods to make clear cut. Let's just believe in Microsoft that they didn't make stuff like Multimedia Class Scheduler just to fool pro audio market. If you're really desperate to do so, just try it with your ears, if you're unsatisfied or can't hear the difference, just delete it since it won't cause any changes to your system anyway.
Features-Optimize audio thread, I/O priorities, clock rate in resource scheduler
-Optimize process thread priorities and system clock resolution
-Configure Fidelizer to run automatically on system startup
ChangelogVersion 1.4
-Improved multi-level service priorities optimization for better system stability and more natural sounding harmonics
Version 1.3
-Changed optimization group options to optimization level selection for better use and understanding
-Improved processor resource scheduler's customization capabilities
-Removed all features that might cause system problems such as stopping services and processor core resource assignment
-Updated system thread priorities optimization with multi-level service priorities optimization
Version 1.2
-Added Keep services for themes running without Aero option
-Extended thread priority optimization to other system processes improving audio thread performance
-Introduced processer core resource assignment for multi-core system
Version 1.1
-Added autorun support (can be disabled by running program again without autorun)
-Added believable selectable features instead of advertising features comment
-Allowed user to keep specific services like networking and related interface controllers like HID and touch support
DownloadYou can obtain nTweaker from Fidelizer's download page
Gallery                                                [*]         http://www.windowsxlive.net/assets/galleries/433/tn_fidelizer.jpg                                        Fidelizer               

[ 本帖最后由 davidxtb 于 2011-4-14 10:10 编辑 ]

shangzhu 发表于 2011-4-14 10:11:59


stevenjou 发表于 2011-4-14 10:21:56


sentence 发表于 2011-4-14 10:31:35


xiaoshi3381 发表于 2011-4-14 10:31:41


whisky_qz 发表于 2011-4-14 10:32:42

原帖由 davidxtb 于 2011-4-14 09:43 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
Windows X's Live recommends:
Before and after making any changes to your system or installing any software, we strongly recommend you
check Windows for registry errors.

Since the development of t ...


不要浪费 发表于 2011-4-14 10:42:39

mark 试试效果

sigur79ros 发表于 2011-4-14 10:56:44


whisky_qz 发表于 2011-4-14 11:02:04

期待大家的听感,想AB效果而不重启电脑的话,可以在第一级professional 和第3级 state of art 之间切换着听。

yuanyuan8807 发表于 2011-4-14 11:04:28


rong 发表于 2011-4-14 11:04:50


yukihasi 发表于 2011-4-14 11:09:57


whisky_qz 发表于 2011-4-14 11:10:10

原帖由 rong 于 2011-4-14 11:04 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif

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查看完整版本: 推荐一个很好的PC-Fi 傻瓜优化软件—— Fidelizer (V2.0 updated)
