浪花多多 发表于 2015-4-17 20:16:17

歌德密丝 发表于 2015-4-17 17:40


Skysound 发表于 2015-4-30 15:34:17

本帖最后由 Skysound 于 2015-4-30 15:59 编辑

hoochy 发表于 2015-4-17 15:27 static/image/common/back.gif
这两台机器和esoteric 03SE相比呢?
我有一台C-5xeMP. 我在老美的发烧论坛看到他们对: Ayre C-5xeMP, Esoteric 03SE 和Mcintosh MCD500.的对比评价,这个review在国内也看得到,好像是在:http://www.martinloganowners.com/forum/showthread.php?9970-McIntosh-MCD-500-OR-Esoteric-X-03-SE/page2上。这三台都是CD/SACD机器,他们的结论简单来讲是这样的:小日本的Esoteric 03SE的解析力比老麦的MCD500要好,但是音乐表现则不如MCD500. 但是Ayre C-5xeMP则解析力与音乐感均较佳。所以 C-5xeMP 更为全面(I have not compared the 2 directly, but I always found Esoterics analytical, detailed, deliberate, prodding, and boring. I find Mac more musical generally, but frequently lacking detailed musical information. I personally like Ayre a lot because it has the detail of Esoteric presented in a musical way - in between the two for the best of both worlds.)。还有,有的说 03SE 把DSD降级成PCM了,尽管03SE有最好的转盘( first, X-03SE will down DSD to PCM. I have around 200+ SACD, so this is a main reasons. Second, it don't have digital input. Third, it's an old model)

Skysound 发表于 2015-4-30 16:04:54

-{阿加东东}- 发表于 2015-4-16 16:00 static/image/common/back.gif

我的Ayre C5xeMP 准备出,2012美国买的(110V),要不要?想要的话请出个合理的价格。七月份回美时带回来!

-{阿加东东}- 发表于 2015-4-30 16:37:27

Skysound 发表于 2015-4-30 16:04
我的Ayre C5xeMP 准备出,2012美国买的(110V),要不要?想要的话请出个合理的价格。七月份回美时带回来 ...


坐着说话不腰疼 发表于 2016-6-2 16:30:58

页: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: 再问 Ayre/艺雅C-5xeMP 还是谱丽声/Bladelius Freja MK-III爱神?
