小白 发表于 2016-9-4 16:54:36

子弹头果然好玩——Eclipse TD508MK3 全频小喇叭

本帖最后由 小白 于 2016-9-4 17:22 编辑

当时写的介绍文字: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4e2a04300102w99b.html




小白 发表于 2016-9-4 17:00:20

本帖最后由 小白 于 2016-9-5 09:43 编辑





小白 发表于 2016-9-4 17:14:38

本帖最后由 小白 于 2016-9-4 17:21 编辑




iLLogiCo 发表于 2016-9-4 17:19:21

白板家的主箱换成Miles 5啦

bruceshen 发表于 2016-9-4 17:47:30


小白 发表于 2016-9-4 18:05:47

bruceshen 发表于 2016-9-4 17:47


bruceshen 发表于 2016-9-4 20:06:01

本帖最后由 bruceshen 于 2016-9-4 20:07 编辑

小白 发表于 2016-9-4 18:05

Phase 发表于 2016-9-4 20:50:22


曾经是九段 发表于 2016-9-5 07:45:41


小白 发表于 2016-9-5 09:39:22

曾经是九段 发表于 2016-9-5 07:45


evileye 发表于 2016-9-5 10:58:46

小白 发表于 2016-9-4 18:05


小白 发表于 2016-9-5 11:25:53

evileye 发表于 2016-9-5 10:58
音响脚钉直接放在类似高丘、音神之类的厚避震板上,跳过盯垫,不考虑具体声音表现,从放置上来看,应该也 ...


liuyindong2007 发表于 2016-9-5 14:44:01


小白 发表于 2016-9-5 21:08:03

本帖最后由 小白 于 2016-9-5 21:12 编辑




小白 发表于 2016-9-5 21:15:32

如何评价TD508MK3小喇叭的声音呢?主观上随着进一步的试听我越来越喜欢这对小喇叭了,这样,先让我搬来英国What Hi-Fi?杂志对这个喇叭的评论,懂英文的自己看。看不懂没关系,我在下面简单翻译和说明。

Eclipse TD508Mk3 review: designThere’s real substance to the design. While it’s true that a single drive unit – even one as highly developed as the 8cm fibre-glass one used in the TD508Mk3 – can’t cover as wide a frequency range as multiple driver alternatives, there are many plus-points to consider.One driver reproducing all the sound means there are no integration issues, and no need for a crossover circuit that invariably introduces all kinds of distortions while sapping detail.Eclipse is obsessed with how its designs respond to an impulse function – a high-level signal that only lasts for an instant. In theory, if a speaker gets this aspect right, every other sonic parameter will follow.

http://images.cdn.whathifi.com/sites/whathifi.com/files/styles/big-image/public/EclipseTD508MK3back.jpg?itok=19-pDtwDEclipse TD508Mk3

The Eclipse TD508Mk3’s cabinet is equally unusual. It’s egg-shaped for rigidity and to avoid any reflective edges, which can spoil the stereo imaging.The speaker is cleverly engineered so that any vibrations caused by the driver are first fed into a high-mass anchor and then dissipated down into the stand. The enclosure is supported by the anchor, but decoupled from it to reduce any mechanical energy transfer. This way cabinet vibration is minimal, and so it contributes far less to the overall sound than would usually be the case.The TD508Mk3 speakers are intended to be as flexible as possible. That pedestal stand is adjustable over a wide range of angles and these speakers can be wall or ceiling mounted, as well as fitting in well in the usual places such as on a stand or shelf.Eclipse TD508Mk3 review: performanceHow do the TD508Mk3s sound? Given their distinctive engineering it would be a shame if they sounded ordinary. They don’t.We’re astounded by their speed of response, and the level of insight they offer. Low-level subtleties in dense recording such as Orff’s Carmina Burana are readily revealed, and can be followed easily as the music gets more demanding.The Eclipse speakers’ presentation is impressively composed when stressed by complex material, keeping the all the music’s instrumental strands in place and proportion.

More after the break

http://images.cdn.whathifi.com/sites/whathifi.com/files/styles/big-image/public/EclipseTD508MK3v5.jpg?itok=DdxE71BBEclipse TD508Mk3

Set up, with care taken over toe-in angle, these speakers deliver a wonderfully laid-out soundstage: it’s solid and intricately layered with suitably well-recorded material. Even the best of their conventional rivals, such as the ATC SCM 11 and KEF LS50 speakers, sound vague and imprecise in comparison.The Eclipse’s rhythmic ability is terrific, too. It catches the leading and trailing edges of notes superbly, and maintains the timing relationships between sounds immaculately. The changes of pace and rhythmic drive of Dr John’s Revolution are conveyed brilliantly.These speakers fall short in all the areas where such a small design with just a single 8cm drive unit would be expected to struggle. Bass depth is limited and this affects the Eclipse TD508Mk3’s ability to deliver authority and dynamic punch.Given a demanding, bass-driven piece of music such as Time from the Inception OST, these Eclipses just sound small and undernourished. There’s no denying the insight, even at lower frequencies, but equally the sense of power in this recording isn’t communicated well.There’s less of an issue with treble in this speaker than we’ve had with its larger relatives. Higher frequencies sound relatively open, but still lack some of the texture and sparkle that good dedicated tweeters have.While Eclipse has made good progress in all these areas compared with earlier version of the 508 – a slightly larger cabinet, revised drive unit and anchor assembly all help – it’s still found wanting next to conventional alternatives.

http://images.cdn.whathifi.com/sites/whathifi.com/files/styles/big-image/public/EclipseTD508MK3v1.jpg?itok=4wFm7XG9Eclipse TD508Mk3

In its areas of strength, though, we have no doubt that the Eclipse TD508Mk3 is as good as it gets at this price – and well beyond. In fact, to match or better the TD508Mk3’s strengths you have to buy its big brother, the TD510Mk2, and that costs around £2000.Eclipse TD508Mk3 review: verdictWe normally award five stars to excellent all-rounders, but in this case, as we have done with other Eclipse speakers, we’re willing to bend our rules a little.

So good are the Eclipse TD508Mk3 speakers in specific areas that they make even the very best of the competition sound inept. If you like what these Eclipses do, nothing else at this price comes close.
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