XIAUDIO 发表于 2017-12-17 10:56:55

LampizatOr 新旗舰解码器 Pacific DAC 公布

本帖最后由 XIAUDIO 于 2017-12-17 11:57 编辑

http://xiaudio.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Pacific-02.jpgThe Pacific DAC is our new creation, rising the bar in the area of digital to analog conversion.It took over a year of intense research to push every technical aspect of our DAC technology to the new levels, we took everything thats great about Lampizator DACsand created the state of the art reference product. We have a very clear idea what the reproduced music should sound like – like real live music. Our flagship products always had this sound in their design, thats why they inspire some of the world’s most demanding listeners, reviewers and musicians. The Pacific DAC has been designed from the ground up with one goal in mind – to create a DAC that supersedes everything we have heard before and done in “the Lampizator way”.Every part of The Pacific DAC is completely new, even if rooted deeply in previous designs. The four main pillars of the construction are: the digital conversion section, the power supply section, the tube output section and control / management / volume section.And all this is housed in a unique chassis of pure polished brass. Pacific解码器是最新产品,解码器领域中的突破之作。经过一年激情四射的研发,我们把所有LampizatOr解码器的技术推到新的高度,成就了这台艺术境界的参考级产品。我们的方向非常明确,重放的声音必须鲜活。我们的旗舰产品从来都鲜明的声音表现,所以才能吸引全世界一些有着最高要求的聆听者、评论家和音乐人。Pacific解码器重新开始,直取我心中的目标,那就是制造一台解码器,成为“LampizatOr范儿”的最强者。Pacific的每一个部分都是全新的,不同以往。四个核心是:数字转换、供电、胆管输出、控制/管理/音量。所有这些都封装在一个独一无二的抛光黄铜底盘内。 http://xiaudio.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Lampizator-Pacific-DAC1.jpgTECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS • Unique tube conversion output with Single Ended Triode, Directly Heated Triode, Active Dynamic Tube Anode Loading & Zero Feedback
• New digital “engine” board with a conversion process unique to Lampizator with DSD512 auto-sensing
• New USB &LAN computer interface that is with preinstalled ROON bridge
• New transformers, power supplies, new heater power circuits and new chassis
• New Taras 2017 VC-04 Volume Management System技术亮点• 独一无二的胆管转换输出级,直热式三极管单端接法,主动动态胆管阳极负载,零反馈
• 新的数字引擎,支持DSD512,LampizatOr独有
• 新的USB&LAN电脑接口,预置了ROON桥(这是个什么鬼?)
• 新的变压器、供电,新的灯丝供电电路,新的底盘(好象L家喜欢把机壳叫底盘,反正啥东西都装在底盘(机壳)上
• 新的Taras 2017 VC-04音量处理系统。(又是个什么鬼?)http://xiaudio.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Lampizator-Pacific-DAC2.jpgLampizatOr The Pacific – our new reference„flagship” model. The phenomenally musical result is a combination of eight factors that rarely meet in one product: • DSD native filter technique, most advanced PCM processing known
• Use of DHT tubes in one stage, zero feedback fashion, in purest Active Anode Load SET mode
• MUNDORF silver/gold capacitors selected after testing all the world leading caps
• Hand made with silver wiring in teflon insulation, gold plated PCB traces
• Tube „diode and chokes” power supply with grossly oversized parameters
• Use of metal foil power supply capacitors instead of cheap electrolytics
• Use of the best FPGA asynchronous and custom powered USB with two own clocks and customized firmware
• Use of resistor ladder discrete volume control
• The tubes we use are 101D, 300B, 6A3, 245 or 45’s, 242 and PX4 (interchangeable). Yes – you CAN roll them all
• In every DAC, which is an ultra rare solution. We are proud in being the pioneer of this technology.
• We also used DHD – directly heated diodes as rectifiers (5U4G is the standard), but one can roll 274B, 5c3s, 5U4, 5R4, GZ34, 5Y3. 8个要素罕见的同时出现在一个产品上,声音当然好。• DSD原生滤波技术,远好于PCM处理方式
• 直热式三极管(指胆管),零反馈,纯主动阳极负载单端三极管模式
• MUNDORF银/金电容,我们试遍了全世界所有最好的电容,最后选它
• 手工制造,特氟龙银线,镀金PCB(他们那嘎达弄个PCB可难了。。。)
• 胆二极管和扼流圈组成的供电系统,超足的储备
• 最好的FPGA异步和定制升级的USB,二个内置时钟,定制固件
• 电阻阶梯式的全分立音量控制
• 胆管巴拉巴拉巴拉。。。你自己还能换管玩
• 每一台DAC都是独一无二的。很自豪我们的特立独行。(可能每台Pacific都不一样。手工造旗舰就是这么任性。有待证实,我得问问Lukasz)
• 直热式二极管(当然是指胆管)做胆整流,用的胆管巴拉巴拉巴拉。。。你自己还能换管玩 http://xiaudio.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Pacific-01.jpgSpec就不翻译了,您自己看http://xiaudio.net/?page_id=1098

小白 发表于 2017-12-17 11:09:55


1225891cfs 发表于 2017-12-17 11:29:13

这个估计是天价了,要不要10W? :L

luomo 发表于 2017-12-17 11:34:41


windsqualler 发表于 2017-12-17 11:43:27

本帖最后由 windsqualler 于 2017-12-17 11:46 编辑

SET指单端三极管(single-ended triode),顾名思义,1个直热三极管对1路信号进行独立放大,图中4路输出平衡信号。

XIAUDIO 发表于 2017-12-17 12:04:55

1225891cfs 发表于 2017-12-17 11:29


节操梦客户 发表于 2017-12-17 14:04:55


leebj 发表于 2017-12-17 15:22:34


童年回忆 发表于 2017-12-17 16:29:57


amex 发表于 2017-12-17 18:35:28


悲伤的九尾狐 发表于 2017-12-17 20:35:56


luoxing 发表于 2017-12-17 20:46:11


Vince-Metal 发表于 2017-12-17 20:51:01


xmu 发表于 2017-12-17 23:23:32


mifeng 发表于 2017-12-18 07:07:52

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