lsw197501 发表于 2018-10-30 09:08:51

Campoli 坎波利~一位被遗忘的大师

爬论坛学习,看到yupoet发表的一篇《近现代45位小提琴演奏家、73位钢琴演奏家、82位歌唱家、105位指挥家简介》,一个陌生又熟悉的名字出现在眼前,“Alfredo Campolil906—... ...”, 提到近代的小提琴家,克莱斯勒,海菲兹,大卫奥伊斯特拉赫,梅纽因... ...甚至帕尔曼,祖克曼,穆特... ...人们心目中总会有意无意地排个位,然而一些常见的关于小提琴音乐唱片的“资料”里Alfredo Campoli几乎被遗忘了。我常听的小提琴曲目里,也几乎把他忘记。然而,曾经为听他的《门德尔松小协》而感动,他那如歌的自然流露地浪漫主义情怀,让人浮想而陶醉,当时觉得几乎是我听过的最好听的门小协... ...于是上网仔细浏览了一些关于他的介绍,马上找出《门小协》一听,立刻找回当时初听此曲的欣喜。赶紧搜碟,马家铺子只有lp了,cd很少于是赶紧美亚下单一套,碟还在路上忍不住立贴纪念。也抛砖引玉,真心希望了解Campoli的乐友不吝赐教为感!

聆水轩 发表于 2018-10-30 12:23:27


morefeel 发表于 2018-10-30 13:39:05


sz517 发表于 2018-10-30 13:52:39


XIAOZHAO 发表于 2018-10-30 14:09:36


tomridaul 发表于 2018-10-30 15:08:30

在黑胶里 这个不算冷门吧碟炙手可热

lsw197501 发表于 2018-10-30 15:20:55

morefeel 发表于 2018-10-30 13:39

lsw197501 发表于 2018-10-30 15:25:11

sz517 发表于 2018-10-30 13:52

老兄6张都进了吗?我知道的埃尔加、门德尔松、布鲁赫、柴可夫斯基这几首立体声的小提琴都是Kenneth Wilkinson录的,这套里面有没有标注录音师?单声道部分的音质怎么样?

lsw197501 发表于 2018-10-30 15:28:31

tomridaul 发表于 2018-10-30 15:08
在黑胶里 这个不算冷门吧碟炙手可热


sz517 发表于 2018-10-30 15:57:13

lsw197501 发表于 2018-10-30 15:25
老兄6张都进了吗?我知道的埃尔加、门德尔松、布鲁赫、柴可夫斯基这几首立体声的小提琴都是Kenneth Wilki ...


One of the most significant violinists in gramophone history, Alfredo Campoli enjoyed tremendous success in the 1930s as a purveyor of light music, both in concerts with his own salon orchestra and on Decca. A series of six 2CD reissues from Eloquence focuses on the violinist’s postwar reinvention of himself as ‘Campoli’, the classical soloist. Campoli made these recordings of Baroque sonatas between 1948 and 1955, at a time when virtues of rich, full- bodied tone and smoothly expressive phrasing were prized in music of all periods: indeed, Decca originally issued the D minor Solo Partita of Bach in 1951 on one side of an LP with Bruch’s G minor concerto on the other.Born in Rome, and taught by his father who had been a professional violinist there, Campoli grew up in London listening to and learning from records of the great singers of the age: he subsequently toured with Nellie Melba and Clara Butt. Accordingly, his own playing was often likened to bel canto singing, which had its own stylistic roots in Italian Baroque principles of melodic phrasing and opportunities for virtuoso display.The two sonatas by Tartini are full of double and triple stops, florid passagework and elaborate ornamentation, and their subtitles imply operatic narratives. In fact, the ‘Didone abbandonata’ only became popularly known as such in the nineteenth century, but the idea for it may go back to the composer, who certainly came up with ‘The Devil’s Trill’ after experiencing a vivid dream in which the Devil had seized the violin from his hands and played ‘a sonata of such exquisite beauty as surpassed the boldest flight of my imagination’ – which he sought to recapture on waking up.For the Tartini sonatas in 1955, Campoli was accompanied on the piano by George Malcolm. In the Handel sessions three years earlier Malcolm used a more historically appropriate harpsichord, as he did on many other Decca recordings over a distinguished recording career spanning more than three decades.All the recordings in this series of ‘Alfredo Campoli: The Bel Canto Violin’ have been given new remasterings from original Decca sources. Invaluable context on both artist and repertoire is provided by new booklet essays from Campoli’s biographer David Tunley. ‘These are thoroughly satisfying performances by a violinist whose name should be better known in . The playing is technically adroit, tonally warm and well recorded, with a lot of space around the performers.’ High Fidelity, July-August 1953 (Handel) ‘This disc enshrines a virtuoso performance that is at the same time a deeply felt interpretation of two of the finest of Tartini’s solo sonatas.’ Gramophone, September 1955 (Tartini)

lsw197501 发表于 2018-10-30 17:30:44


lsw197501 发表于 2018-10-30 17:30:56

本帖最后由 lsw197501 于 2018-10-30 21:10 编辑


nicklv 发表于 2018-10-31 22:25:33

campol有包子出的。 黑胶圈里面他可就大名鼎鼎了,首版盘贵的要死。 在decca和天堂鸟都有录音。

M_Furtwangler 发表于 2018-11-1 16:02:55


matrim 发表于 2018-11-1 16:24:07

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