小白 发表于 2019-8-6 15:00:40

SoundStage & Stereophile

本帖最后由 小白 于 2019-9-5 15:28 编辑


一、Soundstage HiFi。原文链接:https://www.soundstagehifi.com/index.php/equipment-reviews/1270-dutch-dutch-8c-active-loudspeakers



The Dutch & Dutch 8c active speakers cost a lot, $12,500/pair, and their list of features is as long as my arm. Is their sound quality commensurate with the price?8C主动式喇叭价格为每对12500美金。它提供的功能拉个清单比我的手臂还长。那么它的音质对得起这个售价吗?

Yes. In my smallish room, the 8cs delivered full-range bass -- down to 20Hz -- with a firmness, authority, and punch I’d never experienced before. Their midrange was accurate and smooth, if anything leaning slightly to the warm side; their top end was engaging, free of grain, and never over accentuated. They sounded realistic and transparent, and belying their somewhat pro-audio appearance, sonically they entirely “disappeared” in my room. Last but not least, they could play very loud without strain, compression, or edge -- this small speaker could really rock.是的,在我的有点小的房间里,8C喇叭提供出完整的低频。下潜到20赫兹的那种。声音的结实、权威性、冲击力是我之前从未体验过的。中频准确而平滑,略微偏向温暖的一面。高频表现引人,没有毛躁感,也绝无加重的感觉。整体听起来非常真实、透明,尽管看上去一副专业味道,声音而言它们能在我的房间里“消失”。最后,这对喇叭能播得非常响,声压不受限制、无压缩感——作为一对书架喇叭它们真的能Rock(地动山摇)。

Overall, the Dutch & Dutch 8c’s not only exceeded my expectations for how a pair of stand-mounted speakers could perform, in many ways they bettered the performance of my current setup of satellites and subwoofer in a room corrected with Dirac Live.总结而言,8C喇叭不仅超越了我对一对书架箱的期望值,在很多方面,它超越了我目前房间里经过Dirac Live软件校正过的卫星喇叭+低音炮系统。

If you can get over your preconceptions about what an audiophile system should look like, there’s no question: The Dutch & Dutch 8c is well worth $12,500/pair.假如你能克服对发烧音箱系统应该长什么样子的固定思维,那么毫无疑问,8C很值得12500美金每对的价格。

最后,SoundStage HiFi把8C喇叭系统列入其Recommended Reference Components“推荐的参考器材”。

小白 发表于 2019-8-6 15:21:04

本帖最后由 小白 于 2019-8-6 15:28 编辑



Measurements 数据测试
I took using Dayton Audio's OmniMic microphone and XTZ's Room Analyzer Pro software defined two significant bass peaks, at 33Hz and 66Hz for the left speaker and 35Hz and 75Hz for the right. I corrected these peaks with parametric filters complementary in gain and Q. Now the bass was tight and extended, but there was still too much of it. After a few days of listening, I settled on a –2dB shelving-down of the bass; my FR measurements confirmed that the 8c's were now flat down to 20Hz. Impressive output from these little puppies.
使用Dayton Audio的OmniMic测试话筒和XTZ的房间测试软件,测得左喇叭有两个低频峰在33赫兹和66赫兹,右喇叭的两个峰在35赫兹和75赫兹。使用滤波器在增益和Q里面做了校准之后,低频非常紧凑,延伸也好,但听起来仍有些过多。听了几天之后,我最终把低频设置在-2分贝,现在测试确认8C确实能平直延伸至20赫兹。这种表现给人印象深刻。

Comparisons and conclusions   对比和结论
Like the Kii Audio Three and the B&O Beolab 90, the Dutch & Dutch 8c offers freedom from major room effects to a degree beyond that offered by any consumer automatic room-correction software. All three speakers sound like transparent windows into the original performance space, though they don't sound identical. The 8c's sound is warmer and less obviously detailed than the Kii Three's, but I don't think that's anything more than a slight shift in perceived balance due to the 8c's fuller, more powerful bass. The Beolab 90 produced in my room a bass balance less generous than the 8c's but more generous than the Kii Three's—this without its recently released BXT bass module.和Kii Audio Three、B&O Beolab 90一样,8C喇叭能免除房间特性的干扰,这方面的表现胜于任何消费级别的房间矫正软件所能做到的程度。三款喇叭都能表现得犹如透明的窗户,让我们直接听到原始录音,当然,三款喇叭并不完全一样。8C的声音更温暖,不像Kii Three那么强调细节解析。但我觉得这种差别只不过是声音平衡度的细微调整,因8C的低频更为丰满和有力。Beolab 90的低频表现在我的房间里不如8C那么宽大,但是仍比Kii要更宽大一点。
At the other end of the audioband, the B&O and Kii had more expressive top ends and more easily communicated the air and space of recordings than the D&D did. Comparing a speaker like the 8c with conventional speakers is difficult: such a system internally integrates so many functions—eg, controlled dispersion, active amplification, DSP (for crossover, room correction, equalization), and direct digital input — that for a passive speaker are performed by other, separate components. The D&D 8c demonstrates that active, DSP-empowered speakers are the future.B&O和Kii的高频表现给人印象更深一些,更善于表现空气感和声场信息。把8C这样的喇叭和寻常的喇叭做对比是很难的——8C结合了如此多的功能,比如扩散控制、主动扩大、DSP数字处理(分频点、房间矫正、频响均衡)、数字直接输入——一般的被动式喇叭需要配合其他分离的器材才有这些功能。8C向我们展现出带DSP的主动式喇叭是未来的方向。
As things stand now, I think that the Dutch & Dutch 8c might be the sweet spot in the new category of active speakers. It's a truly full-range system with enough dynamic range and power for almost any domestic situation. I found it a pure delight to sit with my iPad on my lap and enjoy the high-resolution music from my Roon library through Dutch & Dutch's wonderful 8c speakers.目前而言,我觉得8C喇叭系统可能是新式有源喇叭系统里的“甜点”(不是吃的甜点)。这是一个对于家用场合来说动态和功率都足够的全频系统。坐着依靠膝上的iPad通过Roon播放曲库,让8C欢唱,是一件快乐得很纯粹的事情。

The 8c's cumulative spectral-decay plot (fig.6) is one of the cleanest I have measured, especially in the treble! In summing up the Dutch & Dutch 8c's measured performance, all I can say is "Wow!"—John Atkinson

reago 发表于 2019-8-6 15:47:49


bthans 发表于 2019-8-6 16:47:15


小白 发表于 2019-8-7 10:43:39

bthans 发表于 2019-8-6 16:47


小晋 发表于 2019-8-7 11:19:50


小白 发表于 2019-8-20 09:14:56

本帖最后由 小白 于 2019-8-20 10:17 编辑


smtjh2007 发表于 2019-8-20 11:24:42


小白 发表于 2019-8-20 14:08:36

smtjh2007 发表于 2019-8-20 11:24


做最好的ME 发表于 2019-8-21 17:02:20


咆哮 发表于 2019-8-22 12:39:12


小白 发表于 2019-8-22 13:28:05

咆哮 发表于 2019-8-22 12:39


大理点苍山 发表于 2019-8-22 13:40:57


ewalker 发表于 2019-8-23 17:59:36

咆哮 发表于 2019-8-22 12:39

目前正式的固件 还不支持roon直联吧。

音颜 发表于 2019-8-24 10:01:11

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