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法国20万的黑匣子指出的5点HIFI终极建议 标题要长 20万黑盒子 20万









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发表于 2019-3-31 08:28:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 路易的欧罗巴 于 2019-7-11 15:20 编辑




Don't improve only the source! 不要仅仅升级你的讯源。

Many high end speaker systems use a bass driver included in the speaker or sometimes as an external subwoofer.
The common situation is this one. One amplifier and one speaker cable drive the speaker system.
The filter embedded in the bass speaker will select the bass frequencies only, using usually at least a coil which has a drawback of limiting the damping, can also be microphonic and have other imperfections, so this filter is not totally transparent.
The filter embedded in the mid/high speaker will select the mid/high frequencies only, using usually at least a capacitor which is well known to have sonic limitations, this is why some capacitors are extremely expensive in audio, better than standard capacitor but still not completely transparent.

Five steps are possible to improve a multiway system: 提升音质五部曲

1-use bi-wiring 使用双线分音:减少喇叭线材对信号的影响。
A cable is used for the mid/high speaker and another cable is used for the bass speaker, from a single power amplifier. The cable impedance and other cable imperfections will not any more be common to bass and mid/high, resulting in better music resolution.

2-use bi-amping 使用双功放:减小功放的压力,也同时减小喇叭线的压力。

An amplifier is used for the bass speaker and another amplifier is used for the mid/high. The current required for bass will not anymore interact in the mid/high amplifier through its output impedance and its non-linearities. It is also possible to choose an amplifier good for bass and another amplifier good for mid/high. The unused frequencies which are removed by the speaker filters are a waste of power for the amplifier, about half of the total power capacity is wasted in such a system.

3-use an analog active crossover (= active filter) 模拟主动分频(主动分频器)

The passive filters in the speakers are removed. The amplifiers are directly connected to the speaker drivers. Also it allows to remove all suspicious electronics from the active or passive bass cabinet and you can use a good hifi amplifier instead of the integrated amplifier. 一旦被动分频器被移除,功放将可以直接连接到啦吧。
Now the amplifier can have a maximum control of the speaker and no power is wasted.现在功放可以最大程度的控制喇叭,能量0浪费。
Drawback: The analog active crossover using components like capacitors, op amps and so on can't be totally transparent.

4-use a digital active filter 使用数码主动分频器

This time the crossover in calculated digitally instead of using components. It will also be possible to use a delay line on the bass channel or on the mid/high channel to optimise the speaker impulse response, something impossible to do in active or passive analog filters. 用数字计算而非使用元器件的逻辑电路,可以延迟中高音的相位。
Unfortunately most digital filters are more from computer technology with good man-machine interface software but limited jitter and analog performance, so good in theory but not so good for very high end audio, often not as good as the simple passive filter in high end speakers.但大多数数码主动分频更多是使用计算机技术和不错的人工界面软件,但在jette和模拟部分的能力有限,所以理论上很优秀,但往往实际上不如简单的高级音箱中的被动分频。

5-use a digital active filter integrated in the Totadaldac 使用含有数码主动分频器的解码器。

This time you get all above mentionned improvements but with absolutely no extra components, no exta conversions, no extra equipments. Only extra calculation is done compared to a standard Totaldac d1-dual, and this extra calculation is done under 69bit inside the DAC processor, just like the rest of the Totaldac processing. As a consequence many limitations are removed and no new problems are added, and you get the new possibility to use delay line to optimise the impulse response as even the speaker manufacturer couldn't do and lastly you can adjust your speaker in your room, on your electronic equipment and maybe according to your tastes and from the listening position using the remote control! This approach combined with one of the best DACs is probably unique!
The Totaldac D2-dual is a two way digital active crossover, it separates bass and mid/high. It can be assembled with the dual DAC option for the mid high channel.
Several d1-dual with the dual DAC option can also be associated to make a two, three or four way active crossover, so extreme performance.

Active crossovers 主动分频器
The DAC uses the R2R principle. It uses discrete resistors like MSBtech and Lavry. It uses a discrete conversion like DCS , Weiss, Emmlabs... Others use the R2R principle but on a chip like Zanden , Audio Note or other DACs using TDA1541 , PCM1702 ou PCM1704 .

Compared to an active crossover BSS FDS-366 or FDS-388 or Behringer DCX2496, the project TOTALDAC has been created specifically for no-compromise hifi systems and the multi-channel volume control has been integrated in the system. The TOTALDAC board is optimised to be able to deal with a digital source (CD, computer...) with only one digital to analog conversion, it is difficult enough to make a state of the art DAC, and this without synchronous or asynchronous sampling frequency conversion. Instead of converting any source to 96KHz or 192KHz 24bit the TOTALDAC board recalculates the delay length and the filter coefficients to adapt automatically to the source.




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