kyokyo 发表于 2014-3-2 21:00:40


但是Gearslutz 有一篇帖子,是Boz发的。

Boz何许人也?Boz就是 Graham Boswell, Prismsound的VP。

Hi Plush

I'd just like to add some thoughts about technical specs and clarify the facts relating to the performance of Orpheus relative to our other music recording products.


That said, THD+N and dynamic range measurements are important, but only as a starting point. Use your ears, or if you have the requisite knowledge and equipment, then do some more interesting measurements!

So here are the specs ..

The AD-2 does have the widest dynamic range (130dB, rms unweighted, 22-22kHz) and it was designed particularly with live to stereo recording in mind, in the days when we went out with a DAT, DA-88 (with our bit-mapper) or Studer open reel digital deck. You don't worry about noise or headroom when remote recording with an AD-2.

Here's how the A/D performance specs stack up (from our web site):
AD-2 Dynamic range: 130dB
AD-2 THD+N: -108dB

ADA-8XR Dynamic range: 112dB
ADA-8XR THD+N: -105dB

Orpheus (Line I/P) Dynamic range: 116dB
Orpheus THD+N: -111dB

You can check out the D/A specs on the web site (Prism Sound - Professional audio equipment, AD converters, DA converters, audio analyzers) if you want.

While you could argue that the AD-2 is better with 130dB dynamic range, Orpheus has a better THD+N figure. In reality, the subjective differences between our converters are not that great - they are all pretty good. Each product serves a slightly different need - ADA-8XR is modular and flexible - perfect for tracking with Pro Tools, for example, but has the flexibility to work with a FW interface as well. Orpheus is dedicated to FW.

==你可能会说AD-2动态更好,奥菲斯THD+N更好。实际上,我们的转换器中间差别并不大--它们都相当好。 每种产品满足的需求不同:ADA8XR满足模块化和灵活性 -- 可以连接Protools, 并且也能使用火线。 而奥菲斯,则只能使用火线。==

But performance-wise, it is a fair statement that Orpheus is overall the best we've built yet.

We hope you like it.
Graham Boswell
Prism Sound

还有一位叫做 Chris Allen的客服,总在Gearslutz论坛出现,他说
Regarding Lyra's quality (and our other products for that matter) they are based on the same design and technology as our Orpheus FireWire interface - which, all things consdered, is the best we have designed to date. So Lyra 1, 2 and Orpheus are definitely in the same quality league as our Dream series.


Hi Chris. How can you guys sell the Dreams for $18k a pair and the Lyra for less than $2500 if the Lyra/Orph are your best conversion to date?

The AD-2, DA-2 and ADA-8XR are not cheap to produce (hence their price!). They are not cheap because of their functionality and flexibility:
==AD-2 DA-2 ADA8-XR生产起来不便宜。它们贵是因为功能和灵活性,==

- dual PLLs (run two different sample rates independently)
- Flexible modular I/O (16 variable in and out analogue channels, run any two combinations of AES, DSD, FireWire and PTHDX digital options)

AD-2 and DA-2
- phenominal 130dB dynamic range (AD-2)
- highly trimmable analogue levels
- professional AES3 functions (single and dual wire)
- dual PLLS on digital outputs (AD-2)

and so on.

New products are a chance for us to aim higher than before, improve performance yet again. That being said, our older units are still hard to beat! Lyra and Orpheus do represent our latest and greatest designs, but this doesn't mean that the ADA-8XR is by any means bad. And again, we state Lyra and Orpheus are our best designs in general - the AD-2 still offers by far the best dynamic range spec out of all of our products for example.

==新产品是一个让我们设置更高目标的机会。但是,我们老产品依然无敌。Lyra和奥菲斯是我们最新,最好的设计,但是并非意味着ADA8XR 不好。但是,通常情况下,综合而言Lyra和奥菲斯是我们最好的设计 -- 例如AD2的130DB动态范围依然是我们产品中最好的。==

And then there is your own subjective opinion. I have sat in on many Prism shoot-outs in some very good rooms and with some of the finest ears around, some prefer the latest Orpheus whilst others like the ADA-8XR.


We say don't dwell too much on the tech spec difference between Prism interfaces, they are all very good indeed. Each interface offers functionality for a particular user - you are a HDX user or need DSD funcationality? then you will want the ADA-8XR. If you're looking for a small DAC for a USB laptop, project set up then Lyra all the way.

==所以不需要太在意参数,实际上Prism的产品都非常好。不同的产品为不同需要的用户设置 - 如果你是HDX用户或者需要DSD,ADA 8R适合你。如果你想要一个小的USB dac, Lyra就不错。==

最后,DA2/ADA8XR/Lyra/Orpheus哪一个最好?我们该相信谁?Prism sound还是烧友们?

z810440294 发表于 2014-3-2 21:10:52


reago 发表于 2014-3-2 21:15:51


战列舰 发表于 2014-3-2 21:26:53


lymanwhy 发表于 2014-3-2 21:56:44

So Lyra 1, 2 and Orpheus are definitely in the same quality league as our Dream series.

kyokyo 发表于 2014-3-2 22:05:34

lymanwhy 发表于 2014-3-2 21:56 static/image/common/back.gif
So Lyra 1, 2 and Orpheus are definitely in the same quality league as our Dream series.
只看到说质量 ...


Phase 发表于 2014-3-2 22:08:41

本帖最后由 Phase 于 2014-3-2 22:10 编辑


sp87 发表于 2014-3-2 22:19:37


kyokyo 发表于 2014-3-2 22:19:47


sp87 发表于 2014-3-2 22:29:54


短舌头 发表于 2014-3-2 22:53:46

mute99 发表于 2014-3-2 23:30:19


kyokyo 发表于 2014-3-2 23:46:17


HerculesVR 发表于 2014-3-3 01:02:22

1: Prism Sound 的 制高点就是ADA-8XR毋庸置疑, ADA-8XR就是一个 数字音频分析仪加装各种卡满足实际应用的产品.
2: DA2 是 8XR出来前的旗舰, DA2有过至少四个版本, 早期版本和后期版本根本无法比拟, 整个时钟系统是不同的.
   后期DA2大约是280开始 DA2的数字部分已经几乎完全换成了8XR的数字部分, 所以这个编号以后的DA2才品质更加,
    DA2是一个差异很大的机器, 有人说天籁, 有人说一般, 一个重要问题就是版本, DA2有三个晶振版本, 就是锁相环(用于
3: Graham Boswell 不是VP, 是 founder & marketing director.
4: Orpheus 或者Lyra 或者其衍生产品 的确是最好的设计, 他用了超低成本设计出来高性能产品,从技术角度来说非常好.
    从发烧友角度来说, 可以多花一些钱做的更好嘛. 准确说 Lyra这些东西是更多商业考量.
5: 8XR和DA2的生成成本太高, 从赚钱角度来说根本不如Orpheus 或者Lyra更好.

最后单独说说8XR, 8XR的时钟处理部分使用了两枚 55欧元/pcs (1kpcs采购数量) 的高性能压控晶振, 主要用于本地时钟
合成和抑制采样抖动. 这部分电路源自1995年的Prism 数字音频分析仪, Ian 和 Junn 设计了 抖动分离器, 从此J-Test标准
开始被正式引入数字音频测量. 为什么1999年设计的8XR今天看来声音都超级NB, 重要原因8XR的数字部分就是一个仪器.
简单说, 8XR的数字部分并不能完美的被地球上任何一个音频分析仪测试, 这也是它能称王称霸15年的重要原因. 说白了就是
技术太靠前, 其他追赶者差距太大. Ian老了, 功成名就了, 我想他也没动力再像年轻时候追求更高了. 大家看到Stereophile
上面测试DAC经常用到一个叫J-Test 的测试, 即抖动测试, 就是Junn 在Prism 工作时候搞的.

当大家看到Prism Sound 这些机器的明明看起来参数没有那些新DAC好, 为什么还要说他声音好. 这个很简单, 不要只看THD+n,
就看J-Test, Prism 全线产品都有强力抖动抑制性能, 在这个参数上Prism 可以超越对手数百倍甚至数千倍.

8XR的原型技术还用于了Prism 1995年设计的数字音频分析仪上. 后来Junn 离开了Prism Sound, 开始作为技术顾问
帮助美国的Audio Precision 设计了AP2522, 但是不幸的是没多久Junn癌症去世, AP几年后并没有修改部分电路,只是加入
192k 变成了大家熟悉的著名仪器AP2722.

Prism 的CTO Ian 非常推崇8XR, 这是他人生的里程碑设计, 所以其实没得想, 一定是8XR最好.

0500 发表于 2014-3-3 01:18:22

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