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This article contains the following tests:
AudioMASTER vs. VariREC vs. TEAC Boost function
AudioMASTER in depth
VariREC in depth
Comparing how the recording speed(s) (4X-48X) affects writing quality using PleXWriter PX-W4824A
Comparing various 48X writers
Comparing various 52X writers
- Introduction
In order to compare Plextor's VariRec, YAMAHA's AudioMASTER and TEAC's "4X Boost" technologies we burned using the same disc type:
RITEK 80min 48X (JS Type)
Code : 97m15s17f
Disc Type : CD-R
Recording Layer : Dye Type 7: Short Strategy (Phthalocyanine)
Capacity : 79:59.70 (703 MB)
, the same amount of data (80:07:44), with the following drives:
PleXWriter PX-W4824A (firmware v1.03)
YAMAHA CRW-F1E (firmware v1.0d)
TEAC CD-W540E (firmware v1.0H)
All discs measured with LEADER LE-1853 CD/DVD Analyzer using the SEISANKA CD-ROM reader calibrated with Philips Calibration JT.1 test disc. The correlation factor for the 3T Land is 0.9975, while for the 3T Pits is 0.998. The reading speed for all discs was 1X.
The PleXWriter PX-W4824A and TEAC CD-W540E can write the full capacity of the used media (80mins), while the YAMAHA CRW-F1E only 67mins (due to higher pits length). That's why the YAMAHA graphs stop at 67mins. In addition, we burned two discs under the AudioMASTER, one at 8X and one at 4X to see if there the recording speed does affect or not the AudioMASTER technology.
The three technologies promise optimal results at the 4X writing speed, lets see if this is true!
The above graph shows the 3T Land jitter. The YAMAHA CRW-F1E has the lowest jitter in either 4X or 8X writing speeds (24.91ns for 4X, 26.79ns for 8X). The TEAC CD-W540E comes third with a 30.49ns and the PleXWriter PX-W4824A last with a 31.39ns (average).
Comparing the three technologies with the normal 4X writing speed, we notice that again YAMAHA's AudioMASTER 4X speed produced the best results (24.91ns). The AudioMASTER 8X speed gets the second place with 26.79ns, while the CRW-F1E's 4X normal speed had the same 3T Land Jitter as with TEAC's CD-W540E "4X Boost" (28.98ns). The TEAC CD-W540E 4X normal writing produced higher Jitter than the "4X Boost" and again, Plextor's VariRec +0 produced worst results than the PX-W4824A 4X writing speed
The results show that the YAMAHA CRW-F1E has the lowest 3T Pit jitter. The recording speed (4X, 8X) does seem to affect the 3T Pit jitter (22.91ns average for 4X, 24.88ns average for 8X). YAMAHA comments that the 4X speed is the optimal with the RITEK JS Type media and the drive has this information in firmware. When user chooses the "BestWriteSpeed" setting, the CRW-F1E series will write at 4X, not at 8X, producing the lower Jitter values.
The TEAC CD-W540E 4X boost function gives an average 24.49ns jitter, while PleXWriter PX-W4824A VariRec +0 mode produced higher 3T Pit jitter than the two other technologies (27.39ns average).
Comparing the three technologies with the normal 4X writing speed, we notice that with the RITEK JS Type media, the YAMAHA's AudioMASTER 4X speed produced the best results (22.91ns). The CRW-F1E 4X and TEAC's "4X Boost" speeds sharing the second place (24ns). The AudioMASTER at 8X produced higher Jitter (24.88ns) than TEAC's CD-W540E 4X writing speed (24.98ns). Lastly, Plextor's VariREC +0 function does seem to affect negative the 3T Pit Jitter since the average Jitter is 27.39ns vs. 26.88ns of the normal 4X writing speed.
After the test results, its clear than YAMAHA's AudioMASTER Pro technology does work reducing the 3T Pit&Land Jitter compared with the 4X writing speed. YAMAHA promises 30% less Jitter that wasn't confirmed from the test results, at least with the RITEK JS type media. The biggest improvement comes at the 3T Land Jitter with a 14% improvement:
3T Pit Gain: 4.38%
3T Land Gain: 14.04%
TEAC's CD-W540E "4X Boost" function worked well and reduced Jitter up to 8%!
3T Pit Gain: 3.92%
3T Land Gain: 8.03%
Plextor's VariREC +0 function produced worst results than the normal 4X writing speed which is at least strange…
3T Pit Gain: -1.90%
3T Land Gain: -4.63%
The AudioMASTER and TEAC's "4X Boost" technologies produced good results as each manufacturer was promised. Both technologies will reduce Jitter (especially the 3T Land values). The CRW-F1E under AudioMASTER will write less data (68mins with 80min CDs), than the other two technologies which is a drawback.
Of course even at the 4X normal writing mode, the CRW-F1E is still better than both CD-W540E and PX-W4824A. Using a 90min disc will allow writing up to 74mins that solves the problem, partially. The 1X writing speed mode didn't tested since 1X writing can be considered as very slow.
Future tests will revile if the used media affects the performance of each Jitter reduction technology...
Drive Mode 3T Pit Jitter 3T Land Jitter
YAMAHA CRW-F1E 4X 24.00 28.98
AAMR 4X 22.91 24.91
AAMR 8X 24.88 26.79
PleXWriter PX-W4824A 4X 26.88 30.00
VariREC +0 27.39 31.39
TEAC CD-W540E 4X 24.98 31.51
4X Boost 24.00 28.98
性价比TEAC最高 |