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我在用的两个耳放,viva stx静电放,还有niimbus us4+动圈平板放都是有复数个耳机孔。每个耳机孔相位不一样。

另一个耳放是viva stx,我贴一下说明书上关于相位的描述。
The two connectors have the characteristic of being in opposite "absolute" polarity, one to eachother, this to fullfill the use of different headphones with "Polarity” ("phase") connecteddifferently. This because from measurements from our factory and from the "audiophile'community came the information that some models of "Electrostatic Headohones" are cabledwith different so named "absolute phase' or "absolute polarity", Connect the owned headphonesto the socket that gives better musical listening performance.
in other words, this feature is implemented in order to allow the listener to choose what is thepolarity that renders best listening, since different models of Headphones can be wired withdifferent absolute polarity .
lmportant: in the case of the "D" input selected, both the two sockets would have the "AbsolutePolarity'("Absolute Phase) inverted, in comparison with the use of reqular inputs. The twoOutput Headphones Sockets, will be still with "Absolute Polarity" ("Absolute Phase”) "inverted"("opposite") one to each other.
The listening can vary with recordings, since, comes from many audio informations sources theclaim that different recordings are characterized by the "Absolute Polarity" inverted.